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My name is Nathaniel Mott.

People have been paying me to write since 2011, and in that time, I’ve covered everything from consumer tech and startups to privacy and security. Some of the more recognizable outlets to publish my work include The Guardian, Motherboard, PCMag, and Tom’s Hardware. (And before you ask, no, I never met Tom.)

I’m currently the senior editor at README. You should check out the site and sign up for my newsletter so I can, ya know, eat.

When I’m not writing, which is often, I’m probably either spending time with friends and family or doing the kinds of things people who spend more than five minutes writing the “about” page for their website do. Then I write about them. Not terribly exciting, I know, but I’m doing what I can with what I have.

You can find my writing on my blog. The now page details what I’m doing now; the uses page is a list of the stuff I use to, well, do stuff. (I am terribly clever.)